Anheuser-Busch may have learned a valuable lesson about promoting “womanface,” but evidently there’s still plenty of companies out there resisting the temptation to learn from their peers.
Latest to put out an ad featuring an insulting approximation of womanhood is Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day, in collaboration with Christopher Griffin, who self-describes as “black, queer, and nonbinary femme.”
I just. . . sigh
Most of the time I find this kind of thing more laughable than insulting, but this is an exception, up there with Nike’s decision to have a rail-thin, titless man model sports bras. It has long been pointed out that whatever trans (or black, queer, and nonbinary femme) people identify as when they say “woman” is just a cacophony of the shallowest and most air-brained stereotypes of the biological category of adult human females. This is no exception.
If anything, the added layer of domestic labor makes it. . . worse? One of the most foundational aspects of first- and second-wave feminism was getting women out of the captivity of domestic roles and into the workforce, smashing the idea that a woman’s place is necessarily in the home. But Griffin’s performance seems to suggest that being “femme” means being a dutiful, diligent– not to mention ditzy– housewife.
What’s the difference in messaging between Griffin prancing around in heels and a headscarf, spritzing cleaning product (and using WAY too much dish soap– do we women not even get the compliment of being economical?) and Griffin demanding of some broad, “Make me a sandwich”?
If you think there is one, you’re fooling yourself. Mrs. Meyers and Christopher Griffin are like a suspect Facebook ad: they promise you tolerance and compassion, but all you get is a healthy ol’ dose of misogyny.
Hey Griffin, you are NOT a woman, never was and never will be. Another thing, go make your own freaking sandwich!
As much as I detested the Bud Light nonsense, this is even worse. Is the marketing outfit that came up with that train wreck of an ad trying to sink their client… on purpose?
Honestly anyone who accept “gender” as a valid concept needs to just be eliminated from reality. It has NO basis in science as it doesn’t pass the sniff test let alone the base line level for a hypothesis. It’s very clearly a concept derive from politics as it made very little sense to begin with and becomes even more devoid of logic as it gains more followers.
If that video was of a housewife, one of feminism’s goals was achieved as no one in the 50’s would have thought whatever that is as a housewife.
If I had to come home to whatever that is, I would make being a stay at the office workaholic a life goal. This dude makes Wanda look good.
It seems to me that the feminasties wanted to see women moved into the workplace and out of their homes, but doesn’t seem to mind if “trans-women” or even a party in a same-sex “marriage” wants to be a homemaker and stay home to raise children. Feminist writer, Simone DeBeauvoir, once wrote that women shouldn’t be allowed to stay home with their children because “too many women will make that choice”. We know which “choice” with regard to children DeBeauvoir would support today.