If it’s scary or uncomfortable or somehow not covered in glitter and roses and sunshine, you should avoid it at all costs. In fact, you should figure out a way to deviate from said thing and claim victim status, while you’re at it.
That’s the progressive way, after all.
Just check out this video that’s being touted as something that should be shown to FIFTH GRADERS WTF:
Here’s the description of the video:
Everyone has a gender identity—a feeling or sense of being male, female or somewhere in between. Sometimes people’s gender identity matches their bodies, and sometimes it does not. Someone may be born with a penis and identify as a girl or born with a vagina and identify as a boy. This person may have a gender identity that is called “transgender.” What’s important to remember is that people deserve to express themselves in ways that feels right for them and to be respected no matter how they identify, look or dress.
People SHOULD be able to express themselves in a way that feels right to them. I can get on board with that concept. However, when kids are being told that puberty is scary and mean and icky and they should take puberty blockers to avoid it altogether? That’s when we’re getting into nasty territory. We’re doing an absolute disservice to these kids. Adult progressives have a clear agenda here, and they’re pushing it on children. Which is some evil, twisted stuff. And that’s when the ADULTS need to be punched squarely in the face. Or held accountable, because we don’t condone violence here. You know.
Since when did PUBERTY become something to avoid? If you’re a functioning adult, you presumably went through it. You’re not a victim by having to do so. And if you believe you were victimized by puberty, seek therapy immediately, you freak.
Puberty is just one of life’s rites of passage – it’s a part of our human life cycle. So why are we teaching children to avoid it? Why are we teaching them that they CAN avoid it? Why would we WANT them to avoid it? They’re not victims because they have to go through puberty. It’s the human body changing into adulthood. It’s nature.
And to pile on the progressive pile of crazy? Gavin Newsom just signed a bill that removes children from parents who DARE TO oppose all the crazy transgender “treatments” that are associated with this notion that they can avoid puberty – chemical puberty blockers, surgical procedures, etc. That’s right. Don’t want your own child to be mutilated? Screw you. The state will take your child away from you. Because Gavin Newsom and the new, progressive AMERIKA, everyone!
Puberty BAD. Mutilation good. Can’t you seeeeee?
For the love of God, vote conservative in November. And take ten of your friends along to the polls.
“Everyone has a gender identity—a feeling or sense of being male, female or somewhere in between.”
I remember when the concept of gender identity was introduced as something that was purely subconscious that most people were unaware of and being aware of something wrong was the only indication that such identity existed. It’s amazing how in just a short amount of time suddenly EVERYONE is now conscious of this concept and it can be freely changed like your clothes but is also somehow also ingrained to the point that it must be protected under the law.
Don’t you understand? They have to do this for (to) the children!
Wait until a few years when we have an epidemic of Parenticide. This seems to be the next big thing in custody battles where one parent wants to transition the kid and the other does not. They need to leave the kids out of their quest for power. BTW: Who would have ever predicted the Kinks were prophets?
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
Except for Lola
Yesterday, my daughter took my 7-year-old grandson to a local very conservative religious school to enroll him in first grade. She homeschooled him in kindergarten. The lady registering them ask my daughter what were his pronouns him/her/them? My grandson is going to be homeschooled again this year. I work from home (not busy today. LOL) and I watch the grandkids, so it will be another year of is grandpa smarter than a first grader? Class is still out on that one. (I still cannot believe anyone thinks I am responsible enough to leave grandkids with, but it is what it is. Standing instructions, I hear every day, no ice cream and candy again for breakfast and no phones for the kids. Well I have to go see which one has my phone.)
I had two of the grandsons at the big box hardware store a couple days ago and they had these large dancing Santas, Grinches and something else. I told my wife if you stepped on the button on their base they danced and sang, and we had all three of them going at once. She said the grandkids are always doing things like that in stores. I had to explain to her they were being good, minding their business, and I was the one who was showing them how to get all three of the mannequins to dance and sing at once.
Way to go Kurt I am also a grand father and props sounds like you are doing a great job and also sounds like we are using the same school of thought with our grands.
>no ice cream and candy again for breakfast
But what about chocolate cake? Milk, wheat, and eggs- it’s practically health food!