At this point, the radical woke left doesn’t even try to hide or sugarcoat things anymore. They just come right out and say it. This is stupid for their narrative because then people see exactly how horrifyingly radical and destructive their ideals are, but it’s great for society because then people see exactly how horrifyingly radical and destructive their ideals are. A prime example is the radical gender activism taking place in schools, and activist teachers who post about it all over social media.
Another example is this article by London’s ‘The New Statesman,’ whose website proclaims them to be “the leading progressive political and cultural magazine in the United Kingdom,” and claims the publication is “celebrated for its progressive and liberal politics, as well as the intelligence, range and quality of its writing and analysis.”
One of their recent publications is called “Red love, for all.” The subheading explains, “Family is a terrible way to satisfy our desire for love and care, according to the writer and academic Sophie Lewis. The solution? Abolish it.”
Abolish it. We’ve known for a long time that this is their ultimate goal. The abortion agenda, the welfare state agenda, the gender fluidity agenda, the intersectional feminism agenda, and so much more are aimed, in part, at abolishing the nuclear family. And that’s because the nuclear family is one of the greatest threats to the radical left. But they don’t usually just come right out and say it like this. They think that the solution to our desire for love and care is to abolish the family.
The “academic” being cited is Sophie Lewis, a “US-based writer” whose views are paraphrased in the article, saying,
“The family…privatises care. The legal and economic structure of the nuclear household warps love and intimacy into abuse, ownership, scarcity. Children are private property, legally owned and fully economically dependent on their parents. The hard work of care – looking after children, cooking and cleaning – is hidden away and devalued, performed for free by women or for scandalously low pay by domestic workers. Even the happiest families, in the words of the writer Ursula Le Guin, are built upon a “whole substructure of sacrifices, repressions, suppressions, choices made or forgone, chances taken or lost, balancings of greater or lesser evils”. If we abolish the family, we abolish the most fundamental unit of privatisation and scarcity in our society. More care, more love, for all.”
Y’all, being a wife to my husband and a mother to my four children is the single most rewarding part of my life. And they’re trying to say that I’m warping love and intimacy into abuse, ownership, and scarcity?
And how about that bit where they mock the fact that having a family means that “children are private property, legally owned and fully economically dependent on their parents.” Why, yes. Yes they are. My children are mine. Not the state’s. Not The Party’s. They are mine. Which is why I get a say in their education and in their healthcare. It’s why I get to choose what they are taught, what they watch, and what they are allowed to do.
But if we abolish family, then your children belong to The State. The article literally says, “Family abolition asks us to take seriously the idea that children are everyone’s responsibility – not just that of their parents.” The saying, “it takes a village” takes on a new meaning as your children suddenly belong to “the village,” or The State, with no regard for parental rights. I’m reminded of this clip by MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry explaining that children shouldn’t belong to their parents but rather to the whole community.
Then The State gets to make their educational and healthcare choices. Your healthy 10 year old boy will get the COVID vaccine whether or not the data supports it simply because The State says he will. And if your child develops myocarditis, well, that’s a risk The State is willing to take. The State gets to choose what your kids are taught, what they watch, and what they are allowed to do. They’ll teach your kids about anal sex, mutual masturbation, and bondage play in elementary school, where they’ll also teach you children they can be any gender they want, and The State will help them transition by permanently mutilating their body. And when a 55-year-old pedophile says they’re in a ‘consensual’ relationship with your 7 year old daughter, there’s not a thing you can do because, not only is the 7 year old NOT your daughter anymore, but opposing their love is labeled bigotry, which isn’t allowed by The State.
They’ll teach your children that privacy has no place in an inclusive society and that free speech is hate speech. They’ll teach your children that anyone who has a different opinion is dangerous, and that conformity and subservience is patriotism. But, you see, they won’t be YOUR children anymore. They’ll be The State’s children. You’ll simply be the incubator who provides The State with another person to train to be a loyal subject.
The abolition of the family has been a prime part of the Left’s agenda since Marx and Engels. Their paper trail makes this perfectly plain. Moreover, American Leftists have been on this bandwagon for decades. Hillary Clinton’s “It Takes A Village” was a trial balloon, to see if they could safely go public with the notion. And from current trends, it appears that they think they can.
That woman is a damned commie, nothing from that evil ideology should surprise anybody.
From the 45 Communist goals as read into the Congressional Record, 1963-
\40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
\41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
Some others people should be paying attention to-
\39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
\29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
\30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
\24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
\25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
\26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
If you look through them, nearly all are accomplished or are quickly becoming so (minus the USSR specific ones).
Sophie Lewis seems to be a bitter, resentful woman that’s lashing out. Thank you for the picture of the interracial family that accompanied the column. It bothers me when some “conservatives” attack said families, as if the family unit as a whole isn’t already targeted for destruction. One even said that interracial couples should be sterilized and the children that do they have, taken away after they’re born. It takes FAMILIES to raise children, not the village.
“It bothers me when some “conservatives” attack said families . . . One even said that interracial couples should be sterilized and the children that do they have, taken away after they’re born.”
I am sorry, but those are not conservatives. They are idiots.
I thought and hoped we had left a lot of this racial crap back in the 60’s and early 70’s. Who cares who people date or marry. Why would anybody treat any person differently for such an inconsequential trait, let alone treat their kids or grandkids differently because of who they or their parent married? I researched my genealogy and the only thing I can say is my ancestors were not very particular with whom they copulated. (Everyone has to have a hobby.) That is why I like, I would think, a lot of Americans was born a Heinz 57.