I don’t think I can overstate how lucky I feel to be out of Corporate America right now.
For those of you who might be new here, before I was a Chick on the Right, I was in HR. I know. ME IN HR. It’s laughable if you think about it, given my penchant for being completely inappropriate at least 75% of the time. But it’s true. I spent 20+ years dealing with HR nonsense. Back in those days though, I didn’t have to contend with pronouns or trans appreciation days or bullsh*t made up grievances that probably waste the time of countless HR professionals now. I couldn’t have done it, honestly. Like – props to the HR folks who have to deal with this, because they are WAY more suited for HR than I ever was.
And that’s why I can’t even be mad at the HR professional in this news broadcast.
This is a real segment that a news station aired today in New Mexico pic.twitter.com/KP80p9SAGP
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 20, 2022
I mean, the fact that this is even a topic needing to be discussed is absurd. We all know this. But you can’t blame this poor HR chick for doing her job as she’s being instructed to do it. She’s in an impossible position.
I would TOTALLY be one of those employees who resists using they/them pronouns – or worse, those stupid ze/zir/er/em/whatever pronouns. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER use them, and so if I were still in a corporate setting, and had to work with someone who tried to make me use them, I’d simply refer to them by first name constantly no matter how awkward it sounded. “Pat said that Pat wanted to do the powerpoint, so I’m just going to let Pat do it and if Pat needs my help Pat can let me know.” That would literally be how I would talk all the time. Because no one is gonna compel me to use those stupid neo-pronouns EVER.
As I’ve explained time and again, if you’re a M-F or F-M trans person living as the opposite gender from your biological parts, I’m happy to use he/him or she/her pronouns – whichever you’re choosing. That is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to me. If you’re Blaire White, for example, Imma refer to you as she/her because you’re doing your absolute best to live your life as the gender you want to present as. But I draw the line at the neo-pronouns. I’m just not playing that game. I will NEVER play that game.
And here’s the thing – as the HR chick explains in that video, the whole purpose behind training workplaces to use preferred pronouns is to make trans people feel comfortable. But at no time does that take into account the DISCOMFORT it causes the 99% of the rest of the workforce. The rest of folks who find it completely disconcerting don’t matter, even if they’re in the majority. How is that inclusive, then?
Again, I cannot overstate how lucky I feel to be out of that world.
Are we still allowed to point and laugh? For example, dude there is just no way those shoes go with that dress. If you are that chromatically challenged, you should just let your pal ZIT or it ZE pick out your clothes.
BTW: I am not even going to get into my wife’s preferred pronouns for me.
I’m lucky enough to still work, after nearly 2 decades, in a tiny little enclave of politically incorrect, like minded heathens. But, the Wokacabra monster will no doubt eventually come for us too. Our parent company has gone woke in their marketing, company communications, and social media. I dread the day when I will hate going to work, and I’ll probably get fired for offending someone anyway.
So tell me again how and why I would refer to a person I’m talking to “in the third person”? Doesn’t “you” suffice?
As in “when are YOU going to lunch?” You has no gender.
If you need to talk ABOUT the person when the person is there. Like in the example I gave in my post.
Thanks Mock. I agree. I would use their first name always, no matter how awkward.
Just use ‘sh*t’ for everybody as in she,he,it – sh*t for short. Solves so many issues.
I’ve finally realize the problem. Sociology broke society. It created a broken tool to analyze the world and wrongly associated everything and we’ve managed to enter into what is basically akin to Warhammer 40ks world where nobody really knows how anything works they just make it do something.
This is not how pronouns work it is how nicknames work. It would actually be far easier to solve this “problem” by simply only having one singular pronoun and one plural pronoun but for some reason humans, a sexually reproducing species, likes to rather quickly differentiate by sex. It’s almost like it’s something extremely beneficial. Sadly this debacle has nothing to do with trans people but more so to do with batsh*t crazy feminists who think “woman” is purely an identity and not a reference to the female sex.
I do the same thing – don’t care how it sounds.
Chris said that Chris did the stuff, and that Chris would submit it.
I won’t use pronouns for the M/F F/M thing either if I know who they are. The only way I do it is if I don’t know.
They can call me whatever name they want – it doesn’t make it true. Just like they can call themselves whatever pronoun they want – doesn’t make that true, either.