What’s the best way to get the next generation to vote the way you want? I’m gonna go with the tried-and-true answer of don’t teach anything valuable.
What, of course, is the first to go when you’re trying to encourage support for something that’s very obviously been a source of death and destruction for an excruciatingly large number of people? Ummm… that would be the historical evidence of said destruction.
It’s much easier to gain support for policies that resemble communism if people don’t even know what communism is…
I can’t believe I have to sit here and write about this (yes I can).
From The College Fix:
Democrats in the Virginia state legislature put on hold a bill that would require schools teach about communism and its victims.
Although House Bill 1816, the “Standards of Learning; instruction on dangers and victims of communism,” passed the House of Delegates with some Democrat support, it ultimately met its demise in the Democrat-controlled Senate of Virginia, Fox News reports.
The bill was “passed by indefinitely” by the Committee on Education and Health, which means it could be reconsidered at a later date. If it isn’t, the bill essentially will be dead.
Democrats in both legislative chambers voted “nay” following the Virginia Education Association’s claim that the bill might lead to negative reactions against Asian students.
According to the VEA’s Emily Yen, this is because four of the planet’s five remaining communist countries happen to be in Asia: China, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. (The fifth is Cuba.)
The bill calls on the governor to “annually issue a proclamation setting the seventh day of November as Victims of Communism Day,” and that the day “be suitably observed” by all public primary and secondary schools.
It also directs the state board of education to update Virginia’s history and social science learning standards to include the “dangers of communism.”
The VEA said current state curricula already teach about communism.
If you’re not already supplementing your kids’ learning materials at home, you need to start now. Our nation’s only hope is for caring parents to provide their kids with the knowledge they need so they can dig us out of this ditch we’ve been shoved into.
Communism has killed, and will continue to kill, more people than it ever has or will help. End of story. Arm your kids with the truth as to why it fails, and maybe they can explain it to the new generation of morons that’ll be running this place in a few decades time.
I’ll include a short introductory video to a good YouTube channel below. It’s provided by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, and their full page has personal stories of communism and its effects. If the school system won’t give it to you, I will.
1 Comment
Not sure which I dislike more. That they clearly don’t want to teach about communism or that they went to their default position of “racism” to justify it.