Good idea or bad idea?
Meet Shantel Green. She’s a mom of two who “cancelled” Christmas after her kids refused to behave.
Shantel Green said her children Jon-Pierre, seven, and Jessica, six, were too badly behaved to receive gifts this year.
She told A Current Affair her ‘spoilt’ kids had misbehaved and refused to help her with housework, leading her to cancel the day for them entirely.
One of her kids said he wanted a Tinky Toy Transformer and some Legos. The girl asked for a doll, but when they woke up on Christmas Day, there wasn’t anything under the tree. Instead, their mother read them a letter from Santa, explaining the lack of presents.
Oddly enough, the kids didn’t seem distraught. They were chill.
‘Santa Claus doesn’t come to naughty kids – not at all,’ Mrs Green told 9News.
She added that her children don’t help out around the house, even though they are ‘old enough’.
The mother-of-two justified her actions by saying: ‘Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.’
I guess I don’t have all the information here to make a good judgment. People are so split on this. Some say this mom was just looking for a reason to cancel Christmas, because she didn’t want to buy her kids anything anyway. Others are praising the mother for disciplining her kids over bratty behavior.
I’m not in her home, so I don’t know what the deal really is.
What are YOUR thoughts on this? Too extreme? I think it’s kind of weird that she filmed her kids getting the news and made a big deal out of it to news networks. It seems a bit much.
Some of the Facebook comments on the article:
The only reason these 2 kids didn’t throw a huge fit.. is because they aren’t use to getting much. I mean the boy asked for two small gifts and the girl asked for a doll.. I feel bad for the kids. If the kids were truly bad like she said they would have reacted differently. She probably has good kids and just isn’t very motherly.. I could NEVER do this to my children and she even smiles about it. She is a horrible mom..
“Don’t help out around the house” they are 6 and 7 not housekeepers and not even like they were asking for expensive toys. This woman is going to spend her older years alone as her kids won’t remember a happy childhood
Good on her! Bad behaviour shouldn’t be promoted by parents.
Santa left no gifts because of the children’s behaviour yet left a note commending them for helping their mother.
Confusing much?
The woman is an attention seeking nut job..
Good job mom. Kids today have no respect and are so lazy!!
Couldn’t agree more with what she done…kids these days r disrespectful..
Like I said. It’s a mixed bag.
Weigh in!
h/t Daily Mail